7 Days to Die Inventory Woes: What to Do When Supplies Get Stuck

7 Days to Die Inventory Woes: What to Do When Supplies Get Stuck

The Problem: Supplies Stuck in Your 7 Days to Die Inventory

Have you been on a loot run and come back with more supplies than you know what to do with? Your storage chests are bursting at the seams and you still have a backpack full of goodies. Don’t panic - this is a great problem to have in 7 Days to Die!

Have you tried turning it off and on again? Just kidding! But in all seriousness, before you panic about losing those hard-earned supplies, double check that they're actually stuck. Sometimes a simple game restart or relogging can fix little hiccups like this on your 7 Days to Die Server.

Confirming the Supplies Are Truly Stuck

If a reboot doesn't do the trick, make sure you have the correct quest selected. The trader may only accept the items when the corresponding quest is active in your journal. Clear out any incomplete quests you have and select the right one. Still no luck? Try cancelling the quest altogether. This should remove the associated supplies from your inventory so you can start fresh.

Another thing to check is if you looted the supplies from two different traders. Traders only accept items from their own quests, so supplies from Trader Bob won't be accepted by Trader Joe. If this is the case, you'll need to trek over to the correct trader to turn in the goods. What a hassle!

As a last resort, you can enable creative mode to clear your entire inventory. Place all your valuable gear and tools into storage chests first. Then press F1 to open the console, type "cm" and hit enter to enable creative mode. Press "U" to open your inventory and delete the stuck items. Exit creative mode with "cm" again and retrieve your belongings.

With some patience and troubleshooting, you'll get those supplies unstuck in no time. Stay positive, you've got this! The zombie apocalypse waits for no one. Now get out there and claim your reward, you deserve it!

7 days to die

Troubleshooting Steps to Remove Stuck Supplies in 7 days to die

Oh no, stuck supplies—the absolute worst! Don’t panic, survivalist, we’ve got you covered. Follow these cheerful steps and you’ll be back to looting air drops in no time.

Press U to open the creative menu and use the trashcan icon to clear the inventory

This is the easiest fix. Open up that creative menu and find the little trash can symbol. Click it and poof! Those pesky stuck supplies will vanish into the ether. No more clogging up your inventory so you can get back to the important stuff, like crafting spikes and collecting blueprints.

Empty the inventory and delete stuck items

Can’t find the trash can? No problem, just use the ‘empty inventory’ option in the creative menu. This will wipe your entire inventory clean as a whistle, stuck items and all.

You may have to drop your equipped gear into storage first, but a small price to pay for freeing up that oh-so-valuable inventory space, right?

Mission Glitch

Some players have reported stuck supplies after completing a buried supplies mission. We feel your pain. The good news is, there are a couple of workarounds.

First, try cancelling any active fetch quests related to the stuck items. This should automatically remove them from your inventory.

If that doesn’t work, enable creative mode, empty your inventory as above, then disable creative mode again. Your inventory will be cleared but game mode unchanged.

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