Minecraft’s Sniffer Mob: Everything You Need to Know!

Minecraft’s Sniffer Mob: Everything You Need to Know!

You’re in for a real treat, Minecraft fans! Mojang recently announced a brand new mob coming to the 1.19 update, and it’s the cutest mob yet. Get ready to meet the Sniffer, an adorable ancient creature ready to help you on all your mining adventures. This prehistoric buddy will use its keen sense of smell to hunt for rare plants and treasures you’ve never even dreamed of finding. With the Sniffer by your side, you’ll be discovering lush ancient jungles and uncovering priceless artifacts in no time. The Sniffer mob is going to revolutionize exploration in Minecraft. So get hyped, gear up, and let’s go on an epic adventure with the Sniffer! This guide will tell you everything you need to know about finding, taming, and playing with your new favorite mob. The Sniffer is here, and it’s going to be a game changer. Let the hunt begin!

An Introduction to Minecraft's New Sniffer Mob

miencraft snifferThe Sniffer is one of the cutest and most useful mobs introduced in Minecraft’s recent 1.20 update. This adorable little creature has the unique ability to sniff out and dig up rare seeds and plants in your world.

Once you’ve hatched a Sniffer from its egg, it will follow you around and help with all your agricultural needs. Whenever your Sniffer catches the scent of something interesting growing underground, it will start digging furiously with its little legs until it uncovers the prize. You might get cocoa beans, wheat seeds, potato spuds or even the elusive ancient debris!

Your Sniffer is a passive mob, meaning it won’t attack you or other creatures. However, it is still vulnerable to hostile mobs, so make sure to protect your little helper! Build a fence around the area you want it to search or keep it in an enclosure with a gate when you’re not exploring together.

To breed Sniffers, simply feed two of them mushrooms or beetroots. Before you know it, there will be a whole pack of Sniffers ready to help you in your farming endeavors. They do require mushrooms and beetroots to stay fed though, so be sure to keep a steady supply on hand for your Sniffer squad.

With the help of these eager explorers, you’ll be discovering rare plants and stocking up on hard-to-find seeds in no time. The Sniffer mob brings a fun new gameplay element to Minecraft, so hatch a few eggs and start your sniffing adventure today!

Sniffer Mob Origins and Lore

The Sniffer mob has been part of Minecraft lore for ages, even though players are only just now getting the chance to interact with these ancient creatures. According to the game’s mythology, the Sniffer mob roamed the Overworld long ago but eventually went extinct. However, their eggs have remained intact deep underground, waiting to be discovered by players.

Once you find a Sniffer egg and hatch it, you’ll be able to witness the Sniffer mob in all its glory! The Sniffer is a peaceful, slow-moving mob that loves to seek out and sniff new flowers. It’s the perfect pet for any player with a green thumb.

  • To hatch a Sniffer egg, simply place it on grass or dirt and keep it well-lit. The egg will start to crack, and a baby Sniffer will emerge!
  • Sniffers can live up to 30 in-game days. Sadly, unlike most mobs they are unable to breed, so you’ll need to find additional eggs to keep the Sniffer population going.
  • Sniffers drop unique items like seeds, flowers, and vines that can’t be obtained anywhere else. If your Sniffer dies of natural causes at the end of its lifetime, it will drop 1-2 Sniffer eggs so you can continue the cycle.

The Sniffer mob is a fun new addition that gives players a chance to learn about the ancient history of the Minecraft world. Although Sniffers are slow and peaceful mobs, witnessing one hatch from an egg for the first time will surely spark excitement in any player. Uncovering a piece of the past and nurturing it back to life - that’s the true joy of the Sniffer mob!

Sniffer Mob Abilities and Gameplay Mechanics

The Sniffer mob has some pretty useful abilities for players. Once you've hatched your Sniffer egg and have a tamed Sniffer following you around, here's what you can expect from this prehistoric pal:

Finds Decorative Plant Seeds

The main purpose of the Sniffer is to hunt for rare plant seeds that you can then grow into decorative plants to spruce up your base or builds. Your Sniffer will wander around the area, occasionally stopping to sniff the ground. When it picks up the scent of plant seeds, it'll start digging in the dirt. After a few seconds of digging, it'll uncover 1-3 seeds which you can collect and plant!

minecraft sniffer digging

Peaceful and Friendly

The Sniffer is a passive mob that won't attack any players or other mobs. Even if you or another mob attacks the Sniffer first, it will just flee instead of fighting back. The Sniffer just wants to help you find plant seeds - it has no interest in combat! This makes the Sniffer a great pet mob for players who prefer avoiding confrontation.

Found Near Ruins

Sniffer eggs have a chance to spawn in chests located within and around underwater ruins. Once you find an egg, you'll need to hatch it to get your very own Sniffer pet. Hatched Sniffers will follow and obey the player who hatched them, helping that player hunt for decorative plant seeds.


Two tamed Sniffers of the opposite sex can be bred together by feeding them beetroot. A baby Sniffer will hatch from an egg, taking around 20 minutes to fully grow into an adult. Breeding Sniffers is a great way to get more of these useful mobs to help gather plant seeds and liven up your base!

The Sniffer may be an ancient mob, but it sure has some handy abilities for modern players. With the help of this prehistoric pal, you'll have no trouble finding rare decorative plant seeds and making your builds more beautiful!

How to Find and Hatch Sniffer Eggs

Woohoo, you found a Sniffer Egg! Now the fun really begins—hatching your new little friend. To hatch a Sniffer Egg, here are the steps:

Find a Safe Spot

First, you need to find a safe place to hatch the egg. Sniffers hatch into vulnerable babies, so make sure the area is fully lit, enclosed, and mob-proof. A well-lit room in your base with a door is perfect.

minecraft lots of sniffers

Provide Moss

Sniffer Eggs require moss blocks to hatch, so place the egg on top of at least one moss block. More moss blocks will speed up hatching. Without moss, eggs can still hatch but take twice as long.

Wait Patiently

Sniffer Eggs usually hatch in about 10 minutes when placed on moss. Check on the egg regularly, but don't disturb it. The hatching process can take longer if the egg is placed on non-moss blocks. As the egg cracks open, a cute little Sniffer will emerge!

Feed and Care for Your Sniffer

Once hatched, your baby Sniffer will need immediate feeding and care. Place mushrooms, berries, or other plant matter in front of the Sniffer, which it will eat happily. Sniffers can be bred by feeding two Sniffers mushrooms at the same time. Make sure to provide your Sniffer with plenty of light, water and shelter to keep it happy and healthy!

Congrats, you're now the proud parent of a brand new Sniffer! These curious creatures make wonderful pets and companions in Minecraft. Have fun going on adventures together and showing off your adorable new friend! With the right care and affection, your Sniffer will live a long, happy life by your side.

Uses for the Sniffer and Ancient Seeds in Minecraft

The Sniffer opens up a whole new world of decoration options in Minecraft! Once you've bred your Sniffer and taken it exploring, you'll have an array of unique ancient seeds to plant around your base.

Decorate Your Base

Use the seeds the Sniffer digs up to add pops of color and points of interest. The flowers and plants that sprout from these seeds have never been seen before in Minecraft. Line your pathways with them, place them around the exterior of your buildings, or group several together in a garden area. Their mysterious origins give them an ancient, exotic vibe that is perfect for mystical or natural-themed bases.

minecraft sniffer plants

Trade with Villagers

If the seeds aren't to your taste or you end up with too many, trade them with farmers and florists in villages. The villagers will happily accept such rare finds and offer emeralds or other useful items in return. This is an easy way to gain valuable resources and build positive relationships with the locals.

Breed for New Seeds

Don't stop at the first seeds your Sniffer discovers! Keep exploring new chunks of land with your Sniffer to find more varieties of ancient seeds. Different biomes seem to produce distinct seeds, so travel far and wide. Once you have multiple types of seeds, breed your Sniffers to hatch baby Sniffers. These baby Sniffers will be able to detect new kinds of seeds that the parents weren't able to, expanding the diversity of options even further.

The Sniffer opens up so many new doors for creativity and trading in Minecraft. With the variety of seeds these mobs can uncover, you'll never run out of ways to decorate your builds or barter with villagers. Keep breeding new generations of Sniffers and you'll have a nearly endless supply of ancient seeds and all the possibilities that come with them!


You now have all the details on Minecraft's adorable new Sniffer mob. These ancient creatures, once thought to be extinct, have now been rediscovered in the Overworld. Feed them sweet berries and clay to gain their trust, breed them, and even ride them around. Their powerful noses can detect rare ancient debris hidden deep underground, so keep a Sniffer as your companion, and you'll be rich in no time.

But why limit the adventure to solo pursuits? Imagine the possibilities of exploring the Overworld and uncovering treasures with friends. That's where Minecraft Server Hosting comes in. With your trusty Sniffers and a shared server, invite your friends to join in the prehistoric quest for treasure. Collaborate on breeding, explore ancient caves together, and watch as your collective wealth grows. The Sniffer update opens up so many new possibilities for adventure and rewards in Minecraft, and with friends, the journey becomes even more thrilling.

So get out there, find a Sniffer, and start your prehistoric quest for treasure today! The Overworld awaits, and with Minecraft Server Hosting, your treasure-hunting expedition can become a shared adventure, filled with laughter, discovery, and the joy of unearthing hidden riches together. Happy hunting!