Minecraft Cat Breeding 101: Tips and Tricks for Success

Minecraft Cat Breeding 101: Tips and Tricks for Success

You've done it! You've finally found two cats to breed in your Minecraft world. Now the real fun begins - breeding your feline friends to get adorable kittens. With the right techniques, you'll have a whole cat family in no time. Grab some fish for the cats, set the mood with a few torches, and get ready for the pitter-patter of tiny paws.

Breeding cats in Minecraft may seem complicated but we've got tips to make the process as easy as shearing a sheep. Follow these tricks and you'll be swimming in kittens before you know it. Whether you want tabbies, calicos or exotic breeds, we'll show you how to get the cat colors and patterns you're dreaming of. Pretty soon your base will be overflowing with furry cuteness and the 'meows' of kittens begging for fish.

Get ready for nonstop fun and adventure with your new feline family. Breeding cats in Minecraft opens up a whole new world of possibilities. You'll never feel alone in your base again once you have cats and kittens to keep you company. The journey starts today - grab your fish and get breeding! Your new furry friends are waiting.

An Introduction to Cat Breeding in Minecraft

Anyone can breed cats in Minecraft! All you need is a couple of tamed cats and some raw fish. Feeding two tamed cats raw cod or salmon will prompt them to mate, producing a kitten.

Gather the Essentials

To get started, you'll want to tame at least two ocelots in the jungle. Feed them raw fish until you see red hearts appear - that means they're tamed and ready to breed! Make sure you have a steady supply of raw cod or salmon on hand. Once tamed, the cats will follow you around, so lead them to your base or wherever you want them to breed.

minecraft raw salmon
minecraft raw cod
minecraft lead
minecraft white dye

Find the Right Location

Breeding cats will require at least two blocks of space, so choose an open area. Place the cats a block or two apart, within line of sight of one another. Now you're ready to initiate breeding mode!

Breed Away!

Feed one cat at a time the raw fish. Once both cats have been fed, hearts will appear over their heads and a kitten will spawn! The kitten will take around 20 minutes to grow into an adult. During this time, the parents cannot breed again.

With the right location and plenty of fish, you'll have a thriving cat colony in no time. Keep feeding and breeding to produce more kittens. Before you know it, you'll have too many cats to count! With the tips and tricks, you'll be a master Minecraft cat breeder. Happy breeding!

minecraft cat breeds

Preparing for Breeding: Gathering Resources and Finding Cats

To breed cats in Minecraft, you'll first need to track some down! Cats spawn naturally in villages and swamp huts, so explore the area around your base to locate these spots.

Attracting Cats

One clever trick for luring cats in is using live rabbits as bait! Place rabbits in minecarts on a platform a few blocks under your village. The sound of the rabbits will draw the cats to the area so you can tame and breed them. You can also use raw cod or salmon, but live rabbits are more enticing to cats.

After you've tamed two cats with fish, you're ready to breed them!

minecraft cats sitting on lime bed

Breeding Process

To breed tamed cats, make sure they're in "love mode". Feed each cat raw fish until red hearts appear. Then, place the cats close together in an enclosed space like a pen or fenced area.

Stand back and let the magic happen! In a few minutes, a baby cat should appear. Baby cats, known as kittens, will take about 20 minutes to grow into adults. Kittens can be bred once they reach adulthood.

By preparing resources, locating cats, attracting and taming them with bait, and breeding tamed cats, you'll have a mob of kitties in no time! Cats can help defend your base by warding off creepers and phantoms, so breeding them is well worth the effort. With some patience and fish, you'll be running your very own feline paradise!

How to Breed Cats: Setting the Mood and Feeding

It’s time to set the mood and get your kitties in the mood for making kittens! Feeding your cats a healthy, nutritious diet is key to successful breeding.

Food for Fuel

During breeding, feed your female cat (queen) as much high-quality cat food as she wants. She’s eating for two (or more!) now, so don’t skimp. Look for cat food specifically for “all life stages” or for breeding queens. These have extra nutrients to support her pregnancy and nursing. Wet and dry food are both fine, as long as the primary ingredient is a named meat like fish, chicken or beef.

Your male cat (stud or tom) should also eat more during breeding. Keep his bowl full of nutritious cat food so he has plenty of energy for romance! Supplements like fish oil or flaxseed oil and extra treats will also keep him happy and boost his libido.

Calcium is Key

As the queen gets close to giving birth, her calcium needs skyrocket. Switch to a high-calcium cat food or add calcium supplements to her regular food. This prevents low blood calcium which can be dangerous for her and the kittens. Watch for signs she’s close to delivery like restlessness, not eating, panting or over grooming. Once you see these, the kittens will arrive within a day or two!

Getting your cats in the mood and feeding them right will set the stage for a smooth breeding and healthy, happy kittens. With the proper nutrition and your TLC, your queen will be primed to deliver a litter of bouncing baby furballs in no time. Best of luck and happy breeding!

What Happens After Breeding: Gestation and Birth

The Waiting Game

Once your cats have mated, the real fun begins—waiting for the kittens to arrive! The average gestation period for cats is about 63 days from mating, so you’ll have a couple months to prepare for the new additions.

During this time, make sure your female cat has plenty of food, water, and affection. Her appetite will increase, so give her extra feedings and snacks to keep her satisfied. She’ll also appreciate your love and belly rubs as her belly grows round with kittens. Stock up on kitten food, litter, toys, and other essentials so you’re ready when the little furballs make their debut.

Around day 58, the kittens will move into the birthing position, so the big day is fast approaching. Your cat may start nesting by gathering blankets, towels or other bedding to create a cozy space. Once you notice nesting behavior, the kittens could arrive at any time, so keep an eye on your cat for signs of labor like restlessness, pacing, or howling.

When it’s go time, the first kitten should arrive within 6-12 hours of the start of active labor. Kittens come out about 30-60 minutes apart, and the entire birthing process usually wraps up within 8 hours. Don't worry if it takes a couple hours longer, especially for a cat's first litter. But if more than 12 hours pass without a kitten or your cat seems distressed, contact your vet right away.

With the kittens happily nursing and your cat recovering from delivery, you can now rest easy knowing your feline family has grown. Enjoy this precious time watching the kittens develop, grow, and play—before you know it, they'll be bounding around, pouncing on toys and each other! The circle of life continues.

Caring for Kittens and Breeding More Cats

Congratulations, your Minecraft cats have kittens! Now the real work begins—caring for the little furballs. Get ready for some chaotic, round-the-clock feeding and cleaning. But don’t worry, if you follow a few tips, you’ll have a litter of happy, healthy kittens in no time.

Keep kittens warm and well-fed

Newborn kittens can’t regulate their own body temperature, so make sure they stay warm. Place them in a box lined with soft bedding away from drafts. Feed kittens around-the-clock at first, about every 2-3 hours. Kitten replacement milk formula and a bottle or syringe are necessities if the mother cat is unable to nurse.

Check for health issues

Closely monitor kittens for any health problems. Take kittens to a vet as soon as possible for a checkup. Watch for signs of illness like lethargy, diarrhea, or difficulty breathing. Kittens need deworming and vaccinations around 3-4 weeks of age.

Give kittens attention and affection

Spend lots of time cuddling, playing with and handling kittens to socialize them. Play with kittens using feathers, laser pointers and crinkle toys to keep them stimulated. Gently pet, brush and comb kittens to get them accustomed to grooming and human contact.

Breed more cats (optional)

If you want even more kittens, the mother cat can get pregnant again quickly after giving birth. But for the wellbeing of your cat, it’s best to get her spayed as soon as the kittens are weaned, around 4-6 weeks. Spaying helps control the cat population and prevents future heat cycles and pregnancy.

Raising kittens requires dedication but rewarding. Following these essential tips will set your kittens up for healthy, happy lives in their forever homes. Keep up the great work, and soon you’ll have a litter of energetic, socialized kittens playing and pouncing all over the place!


You now have all the knowledge needed to become a master Minecraft cat breeder! Get out there, explore the world, find some cats and get breeding. With patience and persistence, you'll have a whole village of furry feline friends in no time. Don't get discouraged if it takes a few tries - every failure is just another chance to learn. Stay determined and keep a positive attitude. Before you know it, you'll have more cats than you know what to do with! What are you waiting for? Adventure awaits and cats need breeding! Go live out your wildest cat breeding dreams in the world of Minecraft. The possibilities are endless. Now get your Minecraft Server Hosting, cat breeder - your destiny is calling!