Terraria Chests: How to Build Storage That Rocks

Terraria Chests: How to Build Storage That Rocks

Chests are one of the most useful storage items in Terraria. Once crafted, these wooden boxes can hold tonnes of loot and stack it neatly for you. Pretty sweet, huh?

To make a chest, you'll need some basic materials - Wood planks and Iron/lead bars. Just open your crafting menu, select the chest recipe, and voila! Your very own treasure trove.

Chests come in three sizes: Small (4 slots), Medium (8 slots), and Large (10 slots). The bigger the chest, the more stuff you can stash. You can also craft biome-specific chests to store items from that environment. How's that for organisation?

Terraria Chests

If you find a Gold Chest while exploring, definitely open it up. These babies are filled with rare goodies like accessories, weapons, and other valuables. You might just discover an exciting new toy inside!

Once placed, chests can be picked up again without losing their contents. This makes rearranging your storage setup a breeze. You can group chests together in one area or scatter them throughout your base. The choice is yours!

Gather Your Materials

Furnace terrariaTo craft a basic chest, you'll need 8 pieces of wood and 2 pieces of iron bar. Chop down some trees to get the wood and mine some iron ore, then smelt it into bars at a furnace.

Find a Workbench

Work Bench terrariaThe crafting process involves standing near a workbench and selecting the chest icon in the crafting menu. If you don't have a workbench yet, just craft one with 10 wood.

Select and Craft!

Open the crafting menu, scroll over to the chest and click to craft. Your character will automatically build the chest for you. How's that for handy?

Place and Use Your Chest

Pop your new chest down anywhere in the world and it's ready to store your loot. Just open it up and drag items in to deposit them.

Terraria Chests

Upgrading to Better Chests

Once you’ve crafted your first chest, you’ll soon find yourself needing more storage space in Terraria. Luckily, there are several upgraded chest options as you progress through the game. Here are some of the best storage upgrades to work towards:

Gold Chests

Gold Chest terrariaAs you mine gold ore and bars, craft several gold chests. These hold 16 extra item slots (56 total!) and have a snazzy gold trim. Gold chests are a great first upgrade from basic chests.

Shadow Chests

Shadow Chest terrariaFound in the Underworld, shadow chests hold 16 extra item slots and have a spooky shadowy theme. Brave the dangers of hell to obtain hellstone bars and craft these chests.

Obsidian Chests

Obsidian Chest terrariaObsidian chests hold a whopping 24 extra item slots (64 total) and have an obsidian stone design. You’ll need obsidian as well as a hellforge to create the obsidian bars required. These chests are worth the effort for the huge storage space.

Trapped Chests

Trapped Glass Chest terrariaMost chests can be crafted into trapped chests, which lose their storage capability but gain a mechanism to detect players and activate wiring devices. Trapped chests are great for setting up traps and alarms to catch any thieves red-handed.

Creative Chest Design Ideas In Terraria

Get creative with your chest designs in Terraria! There are so many materials to work with, you can make storage areas that are functional and fabulous.

Themed Chests

Group chests by material for an organised look with serious style. Some of our favourite themes:

  • Obsidian chests for a dark and dramatic storage room. The obsidian platform also makes a great flooring choice here.
  • Glass chests with glass furniture and skyware platforms for an airy, celestial-themed attic.
  • Dynasty chests with dynasty wood walls, shingles and platforms for an elegant oriental-styled storage palace.

Colour-Coordinated Chests

For a bright and cheery storage solution, paint your chests in your favourite colours and arrange them together. Use the same wall colour in the background for a cohesive look. The Terraria community has created some incredibly colourful chest castles and storage halls - get inspiration from other player designs!

Mix and Match

Who says you have to stick to one theme or colour? Mixing and matching different chest types, platforms and wall materials creates an eclectic and whimsical storage space. For example, alternate rows of glass, obsidian and wood chests with a variety of platform and wall materials for a fun and funky room. Get creative - the possibilities are endless!

Extra Touches

Add little details to make your storage space extra special. Things like:

  • Torches, lanterns or other lighting placed on shelves above the chests.
  • Item frames with favourite gear, trophies or other treasures.
  • Paintings, banners or other wall hangings.
  • Plants, books, candles or other furniture items to decorate empty spaces.

With so many chest types and materials to work with, you can create Terraria storage solutions that are as unique as you are.

Terraria House bed

Chest Storage Tips and Tricks

So you’ve got a bunch of loot in Terraria but no good way to organise it all? Fear not, we’ve got some pro tips to help you build a storage system that totally rocks.

Categorise your chests

The key to effective storage is a good categorization system. Group similar items together - have one chest for blocks, one for ores and bars, one for potions, one for accessories, and so on. This makes it easy to find what you need, when you need it.

Name those chests

Naming your chests is super helpful, especially once you have a large storage area built up. You'll be able to spot the ‘Potions’ or ‘Ores’ chest right away. To name a chest, just place a sign directly above it and the chest will adopt that name.

Build a basic structure

Creating designated areas or ‘rooms’ for your chests helps keep everything tidy. You might have a potion area, an ore processing area with furnaces and anvils, and a general storage area. Use wooden platforms, blocks and walls to define the spaces.

Keep similar chests together

Grouping chests that contain similar items together makes your storage system even more efficient. Have all your potion chests in one area, ore chests together, and so on. This makes it a breeze to find what you need.

Leave space for expansion

As you progress in Terraria, you’ll acquire more and more items. Leave adequate space around and between chests so you have room to add additional storage. There’s nothing worse than having to redesign your entire storage system because you ran out of space!

Following these tips will help you build an epic chest storage system in Terraria that keeps all your prized loot organised and easily accessible. Get your Terraria Server Hosting now and get building and looting!