Terraria Bosses: Events

Terraria Bosses: Events

Event Bosses:

Event bosses in Terraria are special enemies that spawn during temporary events and invasions. They present a unique challenge and require specific strategies to defeat, but the rewards for overcoming them are well worth it and it will make your Terraria Server unique!


Dark Mage

The Dark Mage is one seriously sinister sorcerer you'll face during the Old One's Army event. This mini-boss means business, able to dish out up to 240 damage with a single attack from its deadly spellbook. But don't worry, with the right gear and strategy you'll send this mage packing in no time!

Dark Mage terraria

Offence and Defence

The Dark Mage floats around summoning Dark Energy orbs and firing shadowbolts, so equip ranged and magic buffing gear to withstand the onslaught. The Shadowflame Knife or similar weapon works great since the Mage is vulnerable to shadow damage. For accessories, the Warrior Emblem, Sorcerer Emblem and Avenger Emblem are your best friends here.

Stay on the Move

This mage doesn't let up, rapidly teleporting around the battlefield. Keep light on your feet, running and jumping to dodge the homing shadowbolts and give yourself space to unleash ranged attacks. Try circling the edges of the arena, only moving inward when the Mage teleports away.

Summon Help

The Dark Mage frequently summons Dark Energy to swarm you, so fight fire with fire and summon your own minions to help take the heat off. The Optic Staff, Raven Staff or similar will work to distract the Dark Energy while you focus the Mage.

With the right loadout, constant motion and summoning your own minion army, you'll make short work of this malicious mage.


Get ready for an epic brawl, my fellow Terrarians! The Ogre boss battle is challenging but oh so rewarding. This big blue meanie may look intimidating, but with the right gear and strategy you’ll send him packing in no time.

Ogre terraria

The Beginning

When the Old One’s Army event begins, the Ogre will eventually spawn in. His massive size and equally huge hammer mean direct confrontation is not advised. Instead, keep your distance and pelt him with arrows, bullets or magic. The Megashark, Phoenix Blaster and Water Bolt are all excellent choices. Stay mobile while attacking by jumping, running and grappling to avoid his ground pounds and charges.

The Fight

If the Ogre leaps into the air, get out of the way fast! His shockwave attack upon landing causes massive damage. As soon as you see him jump, dash to either side or fly up and away. The slim window of opportunity here means lightning fast reflexes are key. The slim window of opportunity here means lightning fast reflexes are key.

Be careful

The Ogre may also release rock projectiles that home in on you. Lead them into obstacles to destroy them or dodge like a pro to avoid getting hit. When his health dips below 50%, the Ogre will go berserk, attacking much more aggressively. Stay vigilant, continue evading and keep those ranged attacks coming!


Betsy is one seriously tough boss in Terraria, but don’t worry - with the right gear and strategy, you’ve got this! Once you’ve defeated the Golem, the Old One’s Army will launch their final assault. Brace yourself for Betsy, the sinister dragon commander.

Betsy terraria


Make sure you’ve crafted a set of wings, like the Steampunk or Fishron wings. You’ll need the mobility to dodge Betsy’s barrage of attacks. Bring your strongest ranged and magic weapons, like the Chain Gun or Razorblade Typhoon. Potions like Ironskin, Regeneration and Endurance will boost your stats.

The Battle

Betsy swoops around and fires spreads of cursed flames, shadowflame fireballs and piercing shots. Stay airborne and keep moving to avoid the onslaught. When Betsy charges up a big attack, get ready to dash!

Betsy may summon Etherian Wyverns to harass you. Take them out quickly with area-of-effect weapons before focusing your firepower on Betsy again.

Once Betsy’s health drops below half, she’ll become enraged! Her attack speed will increase, so save your potions and keep dodging. Stay determined, continue unleashing bullets and spells, and soon Betsy will be defeated!


You’ll receive a dragon egg trophy and unlock several new items. The Ballista sentry summons a massive crossbow to aid you in battle. The Etherian mana potion restores 200 mana, and mysterious Etherian artefacts can be found in the dungeon. Well done, hero - you’ve secured victory over the Old One’s Army!

Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman is one of the most thrilling boss battles in Terraria! This spooky pirate ship haunts the seas during the Pirate Invasion event, firing its cannons at you from up high. But don’t worry, matey, we’ve got some tips to send this seafaring scallywag straight to Davy Jones’ locker!

Flying Dutchman terraria


First, build yourself a sturdy platform a few blocks above the water. The Flying Dutchman can’t move down through platforms, so staying below deck will keep you safe from its fearsome cannons.


Once the Dutchman surfaces, focus your attacks on its four cannons - blast them with your strongest weapons until they’re nothing but driftwood! Without its cannons, the Dutchman won’t be able to blow you out of the water.

After its cannons are crushed, the Dutchman itself will emerge from the depths, firing a deadly spread of explosives at you. Dodge these bombs and keep hammering away at the ship with everything you’ve got. Magic weapons, guns, swords, whatever you’ve got - throw it all at this floating fiend!

When the Dutchman starts blinking, it means you’ve nearly defeated this nautical nightmare. Give it everything you’ve got for one final all-out attack! With its cannons broken and hull battered, the Flying Dutchman will soon meet its doom.


Once defeated, the Flying Dutchman will vanish in a puff of smoke and drop rare Pirate-themed loot. You’ll also get the satisfaction of vanquishing one of the most thrilling bosses Terraria has to offer!

Mourning Wood

This boss may look like an Ent from Lord of the Rings, but don’t be fooled - Mourning Wood packs a punch! To defeat this fiery mini-boss, you’ll need to come prepared with the right gear and strategy.

Mourning Wood terraria


Stock up on ranged weapons like the Minishark or Phoenix Blaster, along with meteorite bullets. Magical summoning items are also handy, such as the Imp Staff or Hornet Staff. Don’t forget a melee weapon for smaller enemies, and armour with high defence.


Mourning Wood spawns in the Hardmode Underground Jungle. Search the maze of tunnels for an open space, then start destroying jungle plants to summon the boss. You’ll know it’s arrived when you hear its roar and spot the flaming logs it throws!

Strategy and Rewards

Mourning Wood’s main attack is launching “Flaming Wood” - logs set on fire that pass through walls. Stay mobile to dodge these, and keep attacking from a distance. If its projectiles overwhelm you, submerge yourself in a pool of water - the logs can’t pass through liquid.

When its health gets low, Mourning Wood may charge at you or teleport around. Use the mini-map to keep track of its location. If it charges, get out of the way! Once you defeat the boss, you’ll receive rare drops like the Seedling and rich jungle loot.


The Pumpking is one of the most challenging bosses in Terraria, but don’t worry - with the right gear and strategy, you’ve got this! Once you’ve summoned the Pumpkin Moon, the real fun begins.

Pumpking terraria


The key is having the right weaponry and a solid plan of attack. A Cannon deals massive damage, so build a platform 37 blocks up and blast away in the early waves! For close combat, the Flairon is ideal for slicing through Pumpkings.

Stay mobile! Continuously run and jump to avoid the Pumpking’s attacks like Jack ‘O Lanterns and Pumpkin Bombs. Its charge attack can be devastating if it hits you, so keep your distance. Focus your attacks on its head - that’s its weak spot!


You’ll want the best ranged and melee weapons available. The Flairon or Chain Guillotines are perfect for melee fighters. For rangers, the Tactical Shotgun, Sniper Rifle or Xenopopper will make short work of Pumpkings. Mages should use the Blizzard Staff or Razorblade Typhoon.

Don’t forget buff potions! Ironskin, Regeneration and Wrath/Rage potions are extremely useful. Campfires, Heart Lanterns and Honey can help keep you alive. The best armour at this point is Beetle, Shroomite or Spectre - choose whatever suits your playstyle.

The Rewards

Victory over the Pumpking yields some amazing loot. You’ll get Spooky Wood, Pumpkin Moon Medallions, and a chance at the coveted Reaper armour! The Raven and Candy Corn Rifle are brilliant for rangers, while the Horseman’s Blade is ideal for melee fighters. The Jack ‘O Lantern Launcher shoots exploding pumpkins - what’s not to love?!


Everscream is one fun boss battle in Terraria! This icy enemy will chill you to the bone during the Frost Moon event, but don’t worry, you’ve got this. Everscream may seem intimidating, but by following a few tips, you’ll send this frosty foe packing in no time.

Everscream terraria

Keep your distance!

Everscream’s freezing breath has a short range, so staying on high platforms out of the way is key. Blast Everscream with ranged weapons, magic, or long-range melee from afar. Get up close and personal and you’ll end up as an ice pop!

Watch out for icicles!

Everscream will hurl giant icicles at you that can deal major damage. Keep on the move to dodge these icy missiles. Platforms and hooks can help you swiftly swoop out of harm's way.

Summon support!

Bring some backup to this fight with summoning items. Let your minions do some damage while you focus on dodging. Two sets of eyes (and weapons) are better than one!

Warm up with buffs!

Drink potions to buff your health, defence, and damage. These will help ensure Everscream’s chilly attacks don’t cut you down. Flasks of fire also help by inflicting the On Fire! debuff. Burn, baby, burn!

Keep attacking!

While avoiding Everscream’s assaults, keep pummelling this frozen fiend with all you’ve got. Don’t let up! Deal as much damage as possible before Everscream thaws and makes a slippery escape. Stay on the offensive and you’ll defeat this frosty foe in no time!


Santa-NK1 is one tough boss, but don't worry - with the right equipment and strategy, you'll have this menace melting in no time!

Santa-NK1 terraria


When battling this frosty foe, fire is your friend. Stock up on powerful flamethrowers, fire arrows and Molotov cocktails. The Flamethrower is ideal for melting through Santa-NK1's health, while the Molotov Cocktail can deal damage over time. The Phoenix Blaster and Flamelash are also great choices.


Equip accessories that boost your fire damage and speed. The Magma Stone, Fire Gauntlet and Frostspark Boots are must-haves. Wings or a Jetpack are essential for dodging Santa-NK1's barrage of bullets and missiles. And don't forget healing potions - you'll need them!


Build a sky bridge at least two screens high to give yourself room to manoeuvre. Have heart lanterns, campfires and pools of honey along the bridge for regeneration and buffs. Also place several heart statues on timers to spawn extra hearts during the battle.


Once the Frost Moon reaches wave 7, get ready for a fight! As Santa-NK1 swoops in, open fire with your flamethrower while running back and forth along your sky bridge. The constant movement will make his attacks harder to hit. When he pauses to fire his chain gun, launch a volley of Molotov cocktails and fire arrows. Keep your health up with potions and hearts - this boss hits hard! If your sky bridge isn't working, try circling Santa-NK1 at close range. His attacks are more likely to miss, allowing you to melt him with fire!

Ice Queen

The Ice Queen is one of the most exciting bosses in Terraria! When the Frost Moon rises, this frosty femme fatale appears to put your skills to the test. But don’t worry, with the right gear and strategy, you’ll send her packing in no time.

Ice Queen terraria

Gear Up

You’ll want the best ranged or melee gear you can get your hands on for this fight. Chlorophyte shotbow with holy arrows or the terra blade are excellent options. Load up on healing and buff potions, as well as mana potions if using magic. Thermal armour or turtle armour will give you good defence against her icy attacks.

Avoid the Frost Wave

The Ice Queen will send a wave of frost towards you that can freeze you in place. Stay on the move and jump over it or outrun it to avoid getting frozen. Getting caught in the frost wave makes you an easy target for her frost shard attack!

Deflect the Frost Shards

When the Ice Queen raises her hands, she’s about to launch a volley of dangerous frost shards your way. Use your melee weapon to deflect the shards back at her and deal damage. You can also hide behind blocks to avoid the shards altogether. Either way, keep moving after the frost shard attack ends to avoid her follow up frost wave.

Keep Your Cool

Don’t panic if your health gets low or you get frozen - just focus on avoiding further attacks until you recover. The Ice Queen will teleport around frequently, so be ready to adjust your position and strategy on the fly. Take your time witling down her health, deal with the additional enemies when you can, and soon you’ll defeat this frosty foe once and for all!

Martian Saucer

This saucer-shaped menace is out of this world! When the Martian Madness event starts, keep an eye on the sky for the Martian Saucer. This formidable foe will zoom around dropping lasers and homing missiles on you from above. But don’t worry, with the right arena and equipment, you’ll send this alien attacker packing in no time!

Martian Saucer terraria

To take on the Saucer, build a skybridge arena high up, around 200-300 blocks up. This will give you plenty of room to dodge its attacks while still hitting it with your own. Stock up on powerful ranged weapons like the UFO Mount, Vortex Beater, or Xenopopper. Once the Saucer appears, start running along your skybridge and firing at will!

Lasers and Missiles and Drones, Oh My!

The Saucer has a few tricks up its sleeve, so be prepared:

  • It will shoot twin lasers in an X-shape, so sidestep them quickly.
  • Homing missiles will lock onto you, so keep moving to avoid the explosions.
  • It may release attack drones to swarm you - take them out fast with area-of-effect weapons.

Teleporters for the Win!

Set up a teleporter on each end of your skybridge for easy escape. Activate it just as the Saucer lines up an attack to instantly warp to the other side. This surprise attack will confuse the Saucer and leave it open to damage. Rinse and repeat until you blast this boss out of the sky!

With the right prep, you'll send this space invader packing in no time. The Martian Saucer may have superior technology, but you've got heart, skill and some seriously powerful weapons on your side!

Celestial Pillars

The Celestial Pillars are four mysterious alien structures that have landed in your world, each representing one of Terraria’s main classes: ranged, summoner, magic and melee. To summon them, you’ll need to defeat the Lunatic Cultist boss in the dungeon. Once he’s down, the pillars will descend from space and land in your world. Each pillar is guarded by enemies attuned to its particular class, but defeating 100 of them will allow you to face the pillar’s core for epic loot!

celestial pillars terraria

The Solar Pillar - Melee

Solar Pillar terrariaThis fiery pillar is all about getting up close and personal. Its enemies shoot flamethrowers and charge at you, but melee weapons are super effective against them. Take them out to reach the Solar Fragment, which lets you craft the super-powerful Solar Eruption flail and the Daybreak yoyo.


The Vortex Pillar - Ranged

Vortex Pillar terrariaThe Vortex Pillar’s alien hordes attack from afar with lasers and vortexes. Show them whose boss with ranged weapons like the Vortex Beater gun and Phantasm bow. Crafted from Vortex Fragments, these weapons are essential for any ranged Terrarian.



The Nebula Pillar - Magic

Nebula Pillar terrariaHarness the power of the cosmos against the Nebula Pillar’s spacey enemies. Their magic attacks can overwhelm you, so strike back with powerful magic of your own. Nebula Fragments allow you to craft the razor-sharp Nebula Blaze spell and the arcane Nebula Arcanum.


The Stardust Pillar - Summoner

Stardust Pillar terrariaAs a summoner, you’ll feel right at home facing the Stardust Pillar’s star-themed minions. Take them out with your own squad of summoned creatures and a whip or two. The Stardust Fragments you earn can be used to craft the powerful Stardust Dragon staff and Stardust Cells.


Defeating all four pillars allows you to summon and defeat the Moon Lord himself. Gear up, prepare your buffs and get ready for the ultimate showdown! The fate of Terraria is in your hands. You’ve got this!