This guide will help you on how to setup all your server details for your Wurm Unlimited Server.

  1. Stop your server
  2. Press the Setup Server icon on your Control Panel and choose the option Download Setup Files option.
  3. Press File Manager button on your Control Panel and navigate to the folder SetupServer and download the ServerFiles****.7z file
  4. Unzip that file to your computer and run the WurmServerLauncher.exe file and setup all your details in the Local Server tab and press Save
  5. Close the WurmServerLauncher and zip the folder back with Winrar or 7zip or your favorite zip program
  6. Open File Manager again, go to SetupServer folder and delete the SetupFiles***.7z in there and upload the one you just zipped on the previous step
  7. Press the Setup Server icon on your Control Panel and choose the option Upload Setup Files option.
  8. Go to Commandline Manager and choose Custom Commandlines and press New
  9. Give it a name and fill up the details you want, save it, and then select it
  10. Start server
  • .RAR files are not supported, upload the files on .ZIP or .7z format
  • Always do a backup of your server before performing this guide.

If you have any questions or you need our help don't hesitate to contact our support system.

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