You must first add yourself as admin: Please refer to
How to run a command:
Open the in-game chat by pressing "enter" and type a "slash" before each command and confirm the command you have chosen with enter.
Commands are but not limited to:
/w [player name] send a private message to a player
/save saves the current sate
/version shows the current server version
/suicide destroys your current ship
/player prints the number of players
/status prints out some information about the server's current status
/admin -a [player name] add a player as admin
/admin -r [player name] remove a player as admin
/kick [player name] removes a player from the server
/ban [player name] adds the player to the blacklist
/unban [player name] removes the player from the blacklist
/banip [player IP] adds the player to the blacklist
/unbanip [player IP] removes the player from the blacklist
/blacklist shows the blacklist options