This guide will help you on how to change your server map to new Siptah DLC.

  1. Stop your server
  2. Go to Configuration Files button, edit Engine.ini and change the select map field.
  3. Start server

If you use Mods be sure they are updated and compatible with Siptah DLC.

Please note if you want to save your existing map data you can run the backup server button first, then download your backups to your pc from the backups folder.  Also if running mods please remove any not compatible yet with the DLC.


Also if your server is not starting up after swapping over to the map you can try the following,

  1. Delete the steamapps folder in file manager then run steam update to validate your files. 
  2. Run the backup server button if you are wanting to keep your old map data, then reinstall the server fully via the actions tba.

If you have any questions or you need our help don't hesitate to contact our support system.

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