How to point my domain to my game server?

So you want to use a domain purchased with GTX or someone else to load your game server or Teamspeak server. To do so you need to create A records using the DNS management. 

If you own a domain through GTXGaming. 

To check nameservers, 
1. Login to GTXGaming Client Area 
2. Click on Domains and click the down arrow on the right and select "MANAGE NAMESERVERS"

If your name servers are set to the following:

  1. Login to GTXGaming Client Area 
    2. Click on Domains and click the spanner on the right. 
    3. On the left panel choose DNS MANAGEMENT
    4. Add the A record, so if the IP is Add for instance server1 in the hostname field and the IP address of your game server (without the port) in the address field. 
    5. Done. Now loading will now load your game server or Teamspeak servers IP. You can test by opening CMD and typing ping of course replacing with your actual domain name. 

If your name servers are set to the following:

This means you have a web hosting package with GTXGaming and therefore your DNS is managed by cPanel. 

  1. Login to GTXGaming Client Area 
    2. Click on SERVICES > MY SERVICES and then click on the web hosting package ACTIVE button. 
    3. On the left panel choose LOGIN TO CPANEL.
    4. Go to ZONE EDITOR
    5. Click +A RECORD Add the A record, so if the IP is Add for instance server1 in the NAME field and the IP address of your game server (without the port) in the address field then click ADD AN A RECORD.
    6. Done. Now loading will now load your game server or Teamspeak servers IP. You can test by opening CMD and typing ping of course replacing with your actual domain name. 
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