This guide will help you on how to add the Trader Mod your DayZ Standalone Server Using Filemanager.

  1. Navigate to your gamepanel and stop the server.
  2. Navigate to  Steam Workshop on your gamepanel
  3. Search for  Trader  and install
  4. Navigate to filemanager and open the Trader folder @1590841260
  5. Drag the Trader Profile folder into the profiles folder on your gamepanel.  How To Drag The Trader Profile Over
  6. Start your server

This guide will help you on how to add the Trader Mod your DayZ Standalone Server Using FTP.


  1. Navigate to your gamepanel and stop the server.
  2. Connect to your server FTP see guide here on how to connect using FTP How to connect to your servers FTP
  3. Search for the @1590841260 folder and open it up
  4. Copy the Trader Profile Folder and move it into your profiles Folder.
  5. Start your server
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