How do i change my server name?

  • In order to change your game server name you must stop your server then navigate to the configuration files and modify the correct configuration then save and start your server.


How long do i have to wait for my service to be active after purchase?

  • After purchasing a gameserver it can take up to 15 minutes for the server to fully install, Dedicated Machines can take up to 24 hours depending on the hardware, VPS Servers can take up to 15-20 minutes for installation to complete.


How can i configure my server settings?

  • Server configuration can be done via Configuration files, The server must be stopped first before making any changes to the server.


What happens if my server shows unknown?

  • Unknown can be caused by control panel updates and normally resolves within a few moments, if it does not come back from unknown please open a support ticket with our team.


How can i switch my gameserver if i want to play another game?

  • If your game supports it then you are able to change via the Switch Game button on your control panel. If it does not have this button please open a support ticket with our team, and we can switch your server.


How can i view server logs?

  • Server logs are important and can be found in the Log Viewer button on your control panel can both be streamed and downloaded.


How can i switch server location?

  • Server location can only be switched via support ticket, if you wish to switch please open a ticket and our team can switch to the requested location.


How can i reinstall my server?

  • Server reinstallation can be done via the Actions tab at the top of your gamepanel and select the reinstallation option from the dropdown menu.


How can i wipe my gameserver?

  • Servers can be wiped via the Wipe Server button on your gamepanel.


How can i cluster ark servers?

  • Ark servers can be clustered via support ticket system and requires 2 or more servers in order to cluster the server together.


Why are my configuration changes not being applied to my server?

  • In order for your changes to be applied you must first stop the server. Changes made with the server online will not apply.


I paid late but my server still shows suspended/terminated

  • If you have not paid your bill on time and your server is suspended or terminated you will need to contact our support team to reactivate / recreate the server for you if you have paid the invoice.
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