Terraria Events: Pre-Hardmode

Terraria Events: Pre-Hardmode

Pre-Hardmode events in Terraria are super exciting adventures that happen randomly or can be summoned! These events spice up your Terraria Server Hosting gameplay with challenging enemies, loot, and rare items.

Blood Moon - An event spanning the entirety of a night unfolds, during which the spawn rate of enemies surges, and the maximum number of foes on the screen at any given moment is heightened.

Goblin Army - An event transpires where distinctive Goblin enemies materialize in successive waves. As a Goblin Army approaches, players are notified with one of two status messages:  "A goblin army is approaching from the east!" / "A goblin army is approaching from the west!"

Slime Rain - An event unfolds where diverse slime variations continuously descend from the sky until either daybreak or nightfall concludes.

Old One's Army - A special Dungeon Defenders 2 crossover event becomes available after rescuing the Tavernkeep. Players can locate the Tavernkeep on any layer after defeating the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu to initiate this unique crossover experience.

The Torch God - A mini-event is triggered when 101 torches amass closely underground. The placed torches start hurling small fireballs at the player, extinguishing themselves in the process. These fireballs inflict 40/80/120 damage and move in straight lines through blocks. They can also spawn from torches situated off-screen.

Blood Moon - What It Is and How to Start It

A Blood Moon is one of the most dramatic events in Terraria, turning the sky blood red and causing enemies to spawn more frequently. If you're looking to summon a Blood Moon manually instead of waiting for one to randomly occur, here's how to do it:

 Blood Moon terraria

Using a Bloody Tear

The easiest way to trigger a Blood Moon is by using a Bloody Tear. This is a special item that you can craft at a Demon Altar using 5 Vicious Powder and 1 Shark Fin. Once you have a Bloody Tear, just use it at night when the moon isn't a new moon, and a Blood Moon will instantly start!

Having High Health

A Blood Moon has a chance to happen naturally any night when a player in the world has over 120 health. The more health you and your friends have, the higher the chance of a Blood Moon occurring. If you've built up your life points and want to experience the chaos of a Blood Moon, just wait for nightfall - there's a good possibility one will start on its own!

Fighting the Eye of Cthulhu

Defeating the Eye of Cthulhu boss also has a chance to trigger a Blood Moon. After the Eye of Cthulhu is defeated, there is a 1 in 3 chance that a Blood Moon will rise that night, bathing the landscape in a crimson glow and causing enemies to swarm. If you're looking for a way to summon a Blood Moon and also want a challenge, battling the Eye of Cthulhu is a great way to potentially achieve both goals at once!

A Blood Moon is an exciting event that ramps up the difficulty and really gets your blood pumping. Now that you know how to trigger this dramatic night-time spectacle, summon a Blood Moon and get ready for an intense battle under the red moonlight! The rewards and loot are well worth facing the invading hordes.

Goblin Army - Spawning and Defeating It

Are you ready to take on the goblin horde? The Goblin Army event in Terraria is challenging but oh so rewarding. Once you defeat these pesky invaders, you’ll get loot and materials that will help progress your character to the next stage of the game.

 Goblin Army terraria

Summoning the Goblin Army

To trigger this event, you need to smash a Shadow Orb or Crimson Heart in the Corruption/Crimson. This has a random chance of summoning the goblin army, so you may need to smash a few before they invade. Alternatively, you can craft a Goblin Battle Standard from tattered cloth, wood, and gold or platinum bars. Place it anywhere in your world and the army will arrive!

Preparing for Battle

Before summoning the goblin horde, I highly recommend gearing up. Craft the best armour and weapons you can, and stock up on potions like Ironskin and Regeneration potions to boost your defence and health regen. You’ll also want to build some basic defences like spike pits, lava moats or boulder traps around your base. Every little bit helps against these nasty goblins!

Fighting the Goblins

Once summoned, the goblins will begin spawning in waves. The enemies include goblin warriors, goblin archers, goblin sorcerers and goblin thieves. Focus on the sorcerers first as their fireballs deal lots of damage. The thieves are also annoying as they can disarm you, so take them out quickly too. With good preparation and persistence, you’ll defeat the goblin army in no time!

After the last goblin has been vanquished, you’ll receive gold coins, goblin battle standards and tattered cloth as rewards. The cloth can be used to make the Goblin Tinkerer NPC's accessories. Most importantly though, defeating the goblin army allows the Goblin Tinkerer to spawn underground. Find him, rescue him and he’ll move into your base to sell you useful items! Overall, the Goblin Army event is challenging but rewarding - are you up for the fight?

Slime Rain - Falling from the sky

The Slime Rain event in Terraria is one of the most fun early game events! Once you've built up your health to over 140, slimes will start falling from the sky. At first, it may seem annoying to have slimes constantly dropping on your head, but slay 150 of these little blue menaces and you'll summon King Slime himself. Take him down and you'll get some awesome loot to help boost your gear.

Slime Rain terraria

Wait for the message

To start Slime Rain, simply wait for the message "Slime is falling from the sky!" to appear. This indicates slimes have started spawning at a high rate and falling onto your world. Now the fun begins! Equip your best slime-slaying gear and weapons and start defeating those bouncing blobs. As you rack up slime kills, King Slime will descend from the heavens to join the party.

The Boss

King Slime acts like a giant slime (no surprise there!) and hops around trying to crush you. He also spawns blue slimes to help him out. Focus your attacks on the big guy, using ranged weapons if possible. Once King Slime is defeated, he'll drop items like the King Slime Trophy, Royal Gel, and the coveted Slime Staff summoning weapon. Don't miss the treasure bags he leaves behind - they contain the stylish King Slime Mask and tonnes of gold coins!


The Slime Rain event is a blast and really helps you get better at combat and boss fighting early on. The slime-themed loot you get from King Slime comes in handy too, especially the Slime Staff which summons a pet slime to fight for you! If the constant slime-fall starts to drive you nuts, just dig some tunnels or build a shelter to avoid the blue barrage. But take on King Slime at least once for the rewards and experience. This bouncy boss battle will make you love to hate slimes!

Old One's Army - The crossover

The Old One’s Army event is one of the most exciting invasions in Terraria! This epic crossover with Dungeon Defenders 2 brings wave after wave of enemies for you to defeat.

To trigger this thrilling battle, place an Eternia Crystal on the Eternia Crystal Stand. The crystal will start charging and when it’s fully powered, the invasion begins! Enemies like Dark Mages, Ogre Mages, and Betsy will swarm your world.

 Old Ones Army terraria

Build up your defences!

You’ll want to construct Ballistas and Lightning Auras to damage the invading forces. Ballistas are powerful ranged weapons that can take out enemies from a distance. Lightning Auras deal area-of-effect damage, zapping multiple foes at once. Reforge your accessories to ‘menacing’ for extra summoning power, then switch to ‘warding’ for defence. This strategy will have you dominating the battlefield in no time!

The Withering Dragon

The waves become progressively more challenging, so be prepared for Betsy - she swoops in during the final wave! Betsy, the Withering Dragon, is not to be taken lightly. Her powerful dragon breath and charges can devastate your defences if you’re not ready. Stay nimble, keep building those Ballistas and Auras, and you’ll send Betsy packing!


Triumph over the Old One’s Army for unique loot like the Betsy’s Wrath yoyo, Dark Artist’s Robe armour, and the rare chance for a Dragon Egg pet! This event offers rewarding gear for the effort. Rally your friends for an even more epic showdown with the old ones. The defence possibilities are endless!

The Torch God - Light them Up!

To summon the feared Torch God in Terraria, you’ll need to get your hands on a whole lot of torches! This fiery event is triggered once you place 100 torches close together underground. Be warned, the Torch God won’t go down without a fight.

Torch God terraria

Gathering Torches

Stock up on torches by crafting them or buying them from the Merchant NPC. You’ll need at minimum 100, but the more torches the merrier (and more challenging!). Find a suitable underground space and start clustering those torches together.

The Torch God Awakens!

Once you’ve placed 100 torches, the Torch God event will begin! This blazing deity will start shooting dangerous torch flames at you, so prepare to dodge. The Torch God has two attacks: it will either shoot a spread of 3-5 fireballs that explode into fiery geysers upon impact, or launch a barrage of 20-30 small fireballs that ricochet off walls. Watch out, those fireballs can deal some serious damage!

Defeating the Torch God

To defeat the Torch God, simply dodge its attacks while damaging it. Any weapon will do the trick, so use whatever you have that deals the most damage. As its health gets lower, its attacks become more rapid and intense. Keep your cool, focus on dodging, and keep attacking. Once you deplete its 2000 health points, the Torch God will vanish in a burst of flames. Congratulations, you’ve survived the fiery onslaught! You’ll receive exclusive loot like the Torch God’s Favour which summons a permanent light pet.

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