Wurm Unlimited Server Hosting
Wurm Unlimited Lets you take full control of this fantasy online MMORPG sandbox game. Give you control over the amount of time it takes to gain skill points to the number of creatures and even how long it takes you to perform an action.
Whether you enjoy building houses and towns to conquering kingdoms or hunting massive creatures like dragons. Wurm Unlimited lets you do all this and more.
You can rest assured that all your server needs will be taken care of by our high tech servers that we own in worldwide locations.
If you have any problems what so ever you can either ask a community of players on our discord server or submit a ticket to our high wizards and warriors of a support team that work around the clock each and every day.
Hurry your world aways on you very own GTXGaming server.
Elegant Web Interface
With GTX you get full control of your game server via our beautiful web interface.

Safe & secure
GTXGaming makes extensive use of SSL encryption, database password md5 encryption and two-factor authentication across all of its services. Your personal information is 100% safe with us.
Help & Support
Support is open 24 hours a day, we are here for you and we pride ourselves on our high level of support and response time. Speak to us on live chat for a one to one.
Much more
Due to our investment in ownership, rather than renting, we are able to always give more to our customers than the next provider. Low margins and high quality delivered at very competitive prices. We give you extra.